
Three Quick Steps to Troubleshoot Common Problems on Your Bipolar Electrocoagulation Forceps

Another session of "Mindray Class" starts

"Mindray, why do my bipolar electrocoagulation forceps always fail to perform electrocoagulation?"

"Don't worry, doctor, I have a three-step method to help you troubleshoot the problem."


The "bipolar electrocoagulation forceps" are common medical appliances, mainly for hemostasis during surgeries. They stop the surgical incisions from bleeding by the heat effect generated by high frequency current. Compared with the unipolar electrocoagulation devices, they provide more precise positioning and better safety, and are more suitable for micro incisions.


Today,we are honored to share the "Mindray Class" to introduce the three-step method for the bipolar electrocoagulation forceps:

Step I: Check the connections of the device
For example, check whether the connection between the bipolar electrocoagulation forceps and the connection between the bipolar cable and the motor are loose, and whether footswitch connection is correct and tight.
Connection between the electrocoagulation forceps and the cable
Connection between the cable and the main unit of the electrtosurgical knife
Connection of the footswitch
Step II: Check the settings of the motor
1. The common modes used in different brands of motor include Precise mode, Bipolar soft mode, and Standard mode.
2. The preset power shall not exceed 50W. Otherwise, tissue charring may occur.
3. Cutting mode and macro mode are generally prohibited on common bipolar electrocoagulation devices. These modes cause great damage to the device.
Bipolar soft mode, power, 50W
Step III: Check the appearance of the device
For example, check the tips of the forceps for burnt tissues and the insulation layers and beam of the forceps for damage.
Forceps insulation layer damaged
PEEK tube at the forceps beam tail damaged

Tips from Mindray

  • Common bipolar electrocoagulation devices are generally used for electrocoagulation hemostasis on blood vessels with diameter less than 3mm.
  • It is advised to perform the electrocoagulation in intermittent excitation with a single excitation time no more than 4s. If a deep electrocoagulation is required, the operation shall be conducted repeatedly under lower power, to prevent tissues from being over-heated and burnt at the tips of the forceps.
  • Do not take too much/thick tissue at one time. Common bipolar forceps cannot complete hemostasis on thick tissue in a single excitation.

The three-step troubleshooting method on bipolar electrocoagulation forceps is listed above. Is it clear to you now?


You need to understand the features of the bipolar electrocoagulation to avoid problems during surgeries and to improve efficiency and safety of surgeries. Mindray Customer Services work with you to protect the calmness and safety of surgical patients.
