A New Leap for Precision Ultrasound
Integrating a variety of innovative multi-parametric tools with a new level of image clarity, Resona R9 Platinum Edition is taking a new leap for both clinical routine and research purposes.
L15-3WU New Linear Transducer
A Break through in superficial imaging
23.8 inch LED Bigger Monitor
More than tender specs
M-Reference E Compare
Strain and shear wave together Inspire the future
M-Reference C&E
CEUS and shear wave together Unravel Multiparametric Ultrasound world
Ultra Micro Angiography
Elevate color doppler to the next level
For more insights of lesions
Multiparametric Fatty Liver Lab
A new leap to steatosis research
Cutting edge CEUS quantification tools
Smart Thyroid
One more plane One more seen
CEUS Chrono Parametric Mode
Color your CEUS Ease your diagnosis
Empowered by high performance piezoelectric composites, L15-3WU provides ultra-wideband and superior sensitivity in ultrasound imaging.
Varicocele Glazing Flow
UMA improves diagnostic confidence by expanding the visibility into blood flows to the minute vessel level with superior blood flow sensitivity and resolution.
sUMA Kidney
pUMA Breast Mass
sUMA Thyroid Cancer
Globally, an estimated 1.5 billion people suffer from chronic liver disease, claiming 2 million lives each year. Liver disease is one of the common cause of death globally with alarming increase in the total annual deaths. In response, Resona R9 Platinum Edition offers multi-parametric ultrasound liver solution that facilities early detection, treatments and follow-ups of chronic liver disease and liver cancer.
Multi-parametric fatty liver lab provides multiple quantitative analysis tools which is based on different acoustic technologies. It enables quantitative analysis of steatosis, and improves the sensitivity of fatty liver detection in early stage.
The advanced fusion-based 3D ablation tool elevates your liver percutaneous ablation procedure to the next level. The 3D ablation planning and 3D ablation guidance enable more accurate and intuitive 3D view planning with less experience dependency. The 3D ablation evaluation provides no dead-end 3D ablation evaluation instantly.
uHIT Navi Liver HCC
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy diagnosed globally. It is the first common cause of cancer death in women. The early detection of breast cancer is critical because patients with early stages have a better prognosis. In response, the Resona R9 Platinum Edition offers the multi-parametric ultrasound breast solution that facilitates early detection of breast cancer, accurate diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, and cutting-edge clinical research.
M-Ref. C&E Breast Malignant
M-Ref. C&E supports displaying the contrast and STE in one plane for comparative assessment of perfusion and elasticity.
M-Ref. E Compare Breast Malignant
M-Ref. E Compare supports displaying both the real-time strain elastography and STE in one plane for tissue stiffness evaluation.
CEUS Breast Malignant
By utilizing both the 2nd harmonic and non-linear fundamental signals, UWN+ enables high sensitivity of bubble signals and longer contrast perfusion with lower MI, to help for tumor assessments.
New CEUS QA Breast Malignant
The time-intensity curve enables quantitative analysis of CEUS imaging. The New CEUS QA provides cutting-edge quantitative analysis tools to help for tumor assessments and clinical research.
Improve the detail information and image contrast on specific area, especially useful for the boundary and inner structure display
HD Scope
Smart Breast Malignant
Smart Breast is a breast ultrasound analysis and reporting tool to make the clinical routine of breast ultrasounds more accurate and productive. The systematic multi-lesion management and four-planes assessment further guarantee more diagnostic information. Meanwhile, the streamlined automated workflow improves the efficiency in breast scanning.
Strain Elastography
Post Ablation Evaluation
Detect and utilize both 2nd harmonic and non-linear fundamental signals, generating images with:
Thyroid is a thyroid analysis and reporting tool to make the clinical routine of thyroid exams more accurate and productive.
Smart Thyroid Nodule
Resona R9 Platinum Edition is innovatively designed with end users in mind. It features a 23.8" HD monitor, a 13.3" HD gesture control touch screen, lifting arms and a six-direction floating panel to enable an agile, smart and intuitive user experience beyond your expectations.
· 8-bit true color
· Up to 350 nits in brightness
· Auto brightness compensation
Breast Mass cUMA
Breast Mass
Liver Lesions
Lymph Nodes sUMA
MSK Leison sUMA
Testicle UMA
Varicocele Glazing Flow sUMA
Breast Mass CEUS
Kidney PUMA
L15-3WU Breast Mass E Compare
Liver Mass CEUS