
What is AED Program Management?

Mindray 2021-12-08


Sudden cardiac arrest is becoming a leading cause of death in many countries of the world.[1][2] While rescue with CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) is proved the most effective way to improve the survival rate of SCA. According to a cardiologist, Dr. Jacob Hollenberg, at the Karolinska Institute, “The application of electricity stops the arrhythmia, allowing a heart to reestablish an effective rhythm. Onsite AEDs can help to increase cardiac arrest survival.”[3] It goes without saying that AED exerts great influence on SCA rescue.


AED is a piece of equipment for an emergency response to SCA. When someone is suffering from SCA, AED is able to analyze the patient’s heart rhythm and deliver an AED shock if needed. A high-energy electric shock in time can help the heart return to normal beating.


AED, an emergency life-saving device, must be ready at all times in case of sudden cardiac arrest; therefore, it is crucial to highlight the significance of AED program management.

Rescue a SCA patient with AED equipment
Rescue a SCA patient with AED equipment

What is an AED Program Management?

AED program management refers to an investment in the project or software of AED equipment maintenance. Considering the key role of AED equipment in rescuing SCA patients, it is necessary to track its follow-up use and get predictive maintenance in time.



If you are a manager of a district of AED devices, it is a must to carry out an AED management service. AED program management tracks all the AED devices registered in the system and collects device’s data. The administrators of your AED program can have direct access to report usage and grasp the expiration time of AED pads and batteries as well as the self-test report of AED equipment, which provides an integrated solution. Moreover, the AED management service improves the efficiency in AED management and helps you perform better management responsibilities.

Forms of AED Program Management

AED program management comes in various forms depending on the number of AEDs a person owns or wants to monitor. An AED program management software is one of the most effective forms to maintain AED devices in a large district. Based on Internet, the data and situation of all your AED equipment can be acquired and exported. Some AED program management software even has no limit on the number of AEDs managed, such as Mindray's AED Alert System.

Mindray AED Alert System is the solution of remote AED management service
Mindray AED Alert System is the solution of remote AED management service

Mindray offers a remote AED program management solution named "AED-Alert System". It provides a quick and practical method of remotely managing AED equipment through IoT technology. The large dashboard displays full visibility of the AED devices, including AED location map, a month trend chart of AEDs readiness, connection status, self-test status, out of location status, total AEDs with error unhanded battery capacity, AED replacement pad’s expiration, and device warranty on the histogram.



Compared with traditional maintenance by recording data on paper manually, web-based AED program management solutions save maintenance time and labor costs for most organizations dramatically. An AED program management software shares routine reminders and conveniently permits electronic updates on a database so that data is updated irrespective of changes in personnel, which is different from the traditional solution.

AED program management software
AED program management software

What is the reliable AED Program Management Software?

Since sudden cardiac arrests are unpredictable without signs before they occur, it is important to keep your automatic AED equipment ready for life-saving. Investment in AED program management software makes sense. The traditional and manual inspection of a large number of AED devices is hard to handle, as we mentioned above. A fast AED management service to monitor AEDs remotely and timely is what we should pursue.


Mindray is a renowned AED company and has the confidence to offer high-quality AED and AED management services to customers. Striving to improve the services of AED program management, Mindray develops an integrated AED management solution named AED Alert System. Except for the basic functions, Mindray's AED Alert System includes accessory lifecycle management, allows you to register new replacements automatically, and shows prioritized notifications of the battery capacity along with AED replacement pad’s expiration.


Automatic alerts of Mindray's AED program management software are activated if there is an abnormal change in the AED device during the daily self-test. An automatic email alerts will even send to the manager for reminder. It is flexible access and gets email alerts without login. Moreover, the special Geo-location alerts give an alert when your AEDs are moved outside the predetermined geo-location.


While it is important to have AED equipment in the area you manage, the follow-up maintenance of AED equipment is of paramount importance. To ensure that the AED equipment in your area is always ready for SCA rescue, you have to learn about the AED project management and get an advanced AED equipment management software for efficient predictive maintenance. To go for such a reliable AED equipment management software, Mindray AED Alert System, given the powerful functions and advanced technology integrated into it, could be your alternative.

[1] Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2020 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. AHA Journal, Volume 141, Issue 9, January 2020, Pages 139–596. Available at: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000757 (Accessed: 28 September 2021)

[2] European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Epidemiology of cardiac arrest in Europe. Resuscitation. Volume 161, February 2021, Pages 61–79. Available at: https://cprguidelines.eu/assets/guidelines/European-Resuscitation-Council-Guidelines-2021-Ep.pdf (Accessed: 28 September 2021)

[3] Onsite defibrillators helping to increase cardiac arrest survival. Available at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-cardiacarrest-idUSKBN1JL2RD (Accessed: 28 September 2021)