

Mindray Day 2023

How to improve better oxygenation and lung protection from OR to ICU?

1st – 2nd June, 2023
Glasgow, UK

2023/06/01 00:00
00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes

About Mindray Day

Mindray Day is a comprehensive educational program designed specifically for anesthesiologists and ICU doctors, encompassing academic sessions and simulation training on popular topics of significant interest to the global medical community, such as oxygenation delivery, lung protection, mechanical ventilation for ARDS, and more.

At Mindray Day, you will experience two simulation training stations based on real-life clinical scenarios in OR and ICU. Additionally, you will be offered a unique opportunity to engage in face-to-face discussions with the experts, exchange valuable insights, and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and research in anesthesia and intensive care.

The program is offline only, your presence will be highly appreciated.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Sign Up Now

Simulation training based on real-life clinical scenarios

ICU Station NPPY, Ventilation for ARDS
OR Station HFNO, Bronchospasm, Optimal Ventilation forObese Patients,Teamwork

Academic seminars about popular topics




Lung Protection



All-day learning with experts and peers

Date Time Theme
1 June 19:30-21:00 Sign in & Introduction
2 June Simulation Training Session
09:00-10:00 Hands on
ICU Stations: Goals: NPPY, Ventilation for ARDS
OR Stations: Goals: HFNO (Sedation, Difficult AW, Obese), Bronchospasm, Optimal Ventilation for Obese Patients, Teamwork (Anaphylaxis/CPR)
13:30-14:00 Conclusion & Sharing
14:00-15:30 Lunch Break
15:30-16:20 OPTIMASK Study
16:20-17:10 Lung Protection
17:10-18:00 HFJV in OR
18:00-18:40 Q&A